How can I customise the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in Microsoft Excel 2010? |
To customise the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Excel 2010:
- Right mouse click on the Quick Access Toolbar in the upper right corner of the Excel 2010 window. A menu appears.
- Select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
- In the Choose commands from dropdown list make your choice by selecting the command you want and then click Add.
- The command is added to your Quick Access Toolbar.
- Repeat steps 1 - 3 to add all the commands you wish to your Quick Access Toolbar.
How can I Hide or UnHide rows or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007? |
To hide a row or rows using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select a cell or cells and press CTRL while holding down the 9 key.
- The row or rows containing the selected cell or cells are now hidden.
To unhide a row or rows using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the cells containing the range of the hidden row or hidden rows and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT and the (keys.
- The row or rows containing the selected cell or cells are now unhidden.
To hide a column or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select a cell or cells and press CTRL while holding down the 0 key.
- The column or columns containing the selected cell or cells are now hidden.
To unhide a column or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the cells containing the range of the hidden column or hidden columns and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT and the )keys.
- The column or columns containing the selected cell or cells are now unhidden.
How can I format Sparklines in Microsoft Excel 2010? |
To format Sparklines in Microsoft Excel 2010:- Select the Sparkline graphical element in your data column. A Sparkline contextual tab in the ribbon section of Microsoft Excel. Sparklines have a gallery, similar to charts and tables where you can quickly choose and select a style and colour scheme.
- Using Show/ Hide options to enable points, as well as different colours on markers allows you to create more instant visual representations. Checking a point option will turn on or highlight that point for each sparkline.
- To change the colours of any or all individual point on your Sparkline, select the Marker Color option to the right of the Sparkline gallery.
- To change the colour of the Sparkline, select the Sparkline Color option to the right of the Sparkline gallery.
How can I combine text from different cells using Microsoft Excel 2007? |
To combine text from different cells using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the cell or new blank cell where you wish to display the combined text of different cells.
- In the formula field enter = followed by the cell number of the first cell text you want to add.
- Enter &" "& after each cell number you add to the forumla.
- For example if you wished to combine the text from cells B1, B2 and B3 into cell B5. Select the B5 cell and enter =B1&" "&B2&" "&B3 into the formula line to combine the text from these cells into B5.
How can I copy and paste Formulas from a range of cells without changing absolute or relative references using Microsoft Excel 2000? |
To copy and paste Formulas from a range of cells without changing absolute or relative references using Microsoft Excel 2000:- Select the range of cells containing the formulas and press Ctrl while holding down the H key.
- In the Find what box, type the .= sign.
- In the Replace with box, type the # sign to change the formulas to text.
- Click Replace All and then click Close.
- Copy and paste the selected cells to the new location.
- Repeat steps 1 through 3, reversing the # and = signs to change the text to formulas.
- Excel copies and pastes your selected formulas from the range of selected cells without changing absolute or relative references.
How can I change the colour of Gridlines using Microsoft Excel 2003? |
To change the colour of Gridlines in your spreadhseet and workbooks using Microsoft Excel 2003:
- Choose Options from the Tools menu option in the main menu.
- In the Window options section, choose a colour from the Gridlines colour dropdown list.
- Click OK. Excel applies the selected colour to the Grlidlines in your Excel workbook, spreadsheet or open Excel template.
How can I delete empty rows between data using Microsoft Excel 2003?
To delete empty rows between data using Microsoft Excel 2003:
- Select all columns containing data..
- Click the Sort icon. Excel sorts all the data either ascending or descending based upon your selection and removes empty rows between your data.
How can I enter the current time into a workbook cell using Excel 2000? |
To automatically get the current time in a workbook cell using Microsoft Excel 2000:
- Select a cell in your workbook and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT key.
- In the formula field enter =NOW ().
- To get a formula that calculates the current time, right mouse click the cell and select Format.
- Change the format of the cell containing the NOW formula to h:mm in the Type box.
- Click OK. Excel applies the current time to the cell with the selected time format settings..
How can I allow or limit users to edit changes using Microsoft Excel 2007? |
To share a workbook with other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the Share Workbook icon from the Changes section of the Review menu option in the main menu.
- Select
- Allow changes
and click OK.
- Excel applies your settings to the workbook and allows changes to the workbook to be made by other users.
To protect a workbook from other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the Share Workbook icon from the Changes section of the Review menu option in the main menu.
- Select
- Protect Structure and Windows
to prevent users from altering the workbook or select Restricted Access to specify a list of users and their access privileges.
- Excel applies your settings to the workbook and protects changes to the workbook .
To track changes made to a workbook by other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
- Select the Track Changes.
- Excel now tracks all changes made to the workbook and highlights changes to show editing.
How can I set the default chart type using Microsoft Excel 2000? |
To set the default chart type using Microsoft Word 2000:
- Select a chart sheet or select an embedded chart.
- Right mouse click on chart.
- From the Chart menu select the chart type you want from the list.
- Click Set as default chart.
- Click OK. Excel sets the chart type as the default chart.